We’d like to share a story that illustrates how the outdoor AWA enclosures are specifically designed for air compressors, making them far superior to temporary buildings that some companies attempt to construct for housing their compressors.
A Few Years Ago, a leading retail packaging company based in Western New York was experiencing tremendous growth. To accommodate their expanding operations, they decided to relocate their air compressors outside of their facility. At the time, our Comairco representative introduced them to AWA outdoor enclosures, but they hesitated due to the cost, opting to build a small DIY building for their compressors instead.
The Challenges of DIY:
Their honeymoon with the DIY building was short-lived. The small metal structure wasn’t designed for the make up air and ventilation requirements of the compressors, leading to overheating during summers and intense cold in winters. Moreover, the limited space made maintenance and servicing of the compressors a cumbersome task. Confronted with persistent problems, they ultimately realized that the temporary solution they had chosen wasn’t sustainable in the long run.